918 -794- 4228 7335 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00

Work Week Hustle – Candidates

Have you ever been around a Debbie Downer? Someone that always has something negative to say, regardless of the topic. Everyone knows someone that tends to bring down the room and nobody every wants to be surrounded by that energy.

Believe it or not, but hiring managers actually look for this type of attitude when interviewing perspective candidates for a position. They want to get to know your skill set, but they also have to take into consideration how your personality will fit in with the rest of the staff.

When hiring managers ask about your relationships with previous managers and co-workers, it is important to be honest, but remain positive and professional in your responses. Speaking negatively about previous places of employment, co-workers or managers puts up a red flag to the hiring manager about a possible attitude problem. Whether it is the case or not, by making negative comments, you are projecting a negative attitude or giving off a Debbie Downer type vibe that may keep you from obtaining that position.

When going into an interview, always check your negative feelings at the door and speak of everyone in a positive, respectful manner. Keep the discussion professional and remove all negative emotions so that your personality, experience and skill set can truly shine.