918 -794- 4228 7335 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00

Swift Staffing Solutions Yearbook 2019

2019 was such a big year for swift staffing! So many changes, from adding some amazing new team members to rolling out our brand new website – we sure do have a lot to talk about!

Choosing to be different … on purpose!

This year started with a lot of bumps in the road. We decided to take some time as a team to refocus on our core goals as a company and really define our purpose. We came up with this tagline “We are different.. on purpose!”. As a staffing agency, we want to focus on the whole aspect of the job search. Regardless of your education, experience or presence; we know that searching for a job can leave you insecure and vulnerable. If you walk through our doors, it is our job to help in some way. If we can’t help you, we will at least try to connect you with someone that can. We want everyone leaving our office with some kind of hope for the future. That has been our goal in 2019 and will continue in 2020.

Swift Staffing Firsts

This year has definitely been interesting, as it has brought our team a lot of firsts! Earlier this year we expanded our office, which gave us the room to host our very first job fair! I was so proud of our team. As candidates came in, they worked hard as a team to get them through paperwork and interviews so that we could see what we had to best fit their job description. We even had a few of our managers stop by to check out the new prospects! It was a great day and we can’t wait to do another one in 2020.

Darcy Swift on Channel 6 news

Another big first for us in 2019 was our debut on Channel 6 News! Our CEO, Darcy Swift, first aired on the 4pm segment in September to talk about “Do’s and Don’t’s in an Interview” as well as announcing our job fair. Since then, she has made several appearances for other segments highlighting tips and tricks candidates can use to help land the job they want.

Darcy Swift Owasso Reporter

Darcy was also featured in the “Ask the Expert” segment of the Owasso Reporter where they asked her about resume building and also in the Sand Springs Leader highlighting her personal story on how she became an entrepreneur. Moving into these avenues of media has been so fun and such a learning process. We have enjoyed every minute!

Hitting the Town

Lunch & Learn

There is no down time for Swift Staffing Solutions! Every free minute we want to utilize to educate and connect with our community. This year we hosted 5 Lunch and Learn events all over the Tulsa area for our managers. We finished the year by hosting MGMA’s December Christmas Luncheon, which added an extra cherry on top of a great year of learning and educating. It is our passion to find people jobs, fill professional needs, and educate on easier processes in these categories.

Giving Back

Go Nutts Lunch Club

One of the things we chose to do this year as a company is to find a way to give back to our own community. We have been so blessed this year and really wanted to take the opportunity to sew into another organization. That is why we decided to join forces with a nonprofit created by Stacie Nutt, The Chief Human Resource Officer at Indian Healthcare Resource Center in Tulsa, called Go Nutts Lunch Club! We have had several opportunities throughout the year to help pour into this amazing organization to help feed kids in our own city and it has honestly been such a rewarding process for our whole team. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out CLICK HERE to learn more.

New Media

New Website

All the changes that happened this year also gave us an opportunity to reach out on another level. We decided to revamp our website to be more user friendly and approachable. We also added a few social media pages and billboards to build awareness. It has been amazing having a fully functioning website that our candidates and managers can use and we are so excited to be adding some new and improved features in 2020 to make it even better! So stay tuned!

There has been so much going on this year that we are so excited about! I truly believe 2019 was a launching point for Swift Staffing Solutions and it’s only UP from here! Thank you so much to all our managers, candidates and partners that have been with us along the way. We can’t wait for you to see what we have in store for you in 2020!