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Work Week Hustle – Top 4 Ways to Manage Emotions in a Professional Environment

Top Ways to Manage Emotions in a Professional Environment

We have all had situations arise at work that cause us immediate emotional distress. Whether it’s anger, disappointment, shock or fear… we have to remember in the heat of the moment to respond professionally. Being a professional in a frustrating situation will not only help diffuse the situation, but place you in the best position. Remember, as a manager others are looking to you for direction on how to respond to each situation. This can be a challenge to us all at times, as we are all human and respond in human ways. Below are the top ways to manage emotions in a professional environment.

Stop and Evaluate the Situation

The best thing you can do in a heated or negative situation is stop yourself from responding and evaluate the situation. Our natural reaction is to respond out of emotion, which can cause the problem to only get worse. Keep your words to yourself until you can get a clear picture of the situation on a professional level, even if you have to physically remove yourself from the situation. Take time to think out why you are frustrated, angry, worried, etc. and what the best response would be moving forward. Taking time to stop and evaluate the situation will keep you from saying or doing things you cannot take back.

Find The Silver Lining

There are always two sides of the coin. When dealing with a negative situation, try to find the silver lining or something positive about the situation. For example, your presentation got cancelled.. this gives you more time to prepare. Whatever the situation is, if you can find something positive to focus on then it will help you prepare a response or move in another direction without acting purely out of emotion.

Picture Yourself Feeling the Emotions

A good way to keep a situation in perspective is to take a second and picture your reaction. If you are angry or have acted out of anger in the past, play the situation out. Certainly if you were to react how you want to in the moment, it would not get you anywhere positive. Did the situation resolve itself well the last time you reacted out of anger? Taking time to play the situation out first will keep your mind and emotions in check and give you a better overall perspective.

Focus On Problem Solving

After you have taken a time to stop and evaluate the situation, focus your energy into solving the problem. Take the emotions out of it and just look at the issue at hand. Re-focusing your attention and energy into brainstorming solutions will naturally reduce your negative emotions in the moment. This will also help to focus your time on doing something productive rather than wasting time on handling corrective actions due to a negative response to the problem.

It is completely normal and human to have negative emotions in the workplace. While your feelings may be completely valid, a true professional knows that there is a time and a place to express those emotions. Taking time to evaluate the situation and work out a solution is a much better use of your professional time and will put you in a better position in the long run. Wait until you are home and in a safe space to release your negative emotions, after the issue has been resolved.

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