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Work Week Hustle – Common Offenses That Can Get You Fired

One of the main questions I get from students is what are the big things that are cause for automatic termination. While each company is different, there are a few tried and true actions that will get you fired immediately. While many of these are common knowledge, some you may not think about. Here are the top 3 most common offenses that will cause immediate termination.


One thing I have learned is that many people do not fully understand the definition of insubordination. This is the act of consciously refusing or disregarding orders from your manager or superior. This does not mean that you have to be a “yes man” or agree with everything your manager says. You are allowed to have your own opinions. Insubordination comes into play when you are told to do something and you refuse to do it. There is no conversation, it’s a direct no. This type of offense is usually derived from anger or a negative situation. Even if you are upset, it is not okay to be insubordinate. Remember to keep things professional. Regardless of your status or position, be mindful of how you speak to others in the work place. Insubordination is grounds for termination, so to avoid this, start with having a conversation with your manager about your issues and try to create a course of action where everyone can work in a positive environment.


There are several major issues that fall into the category of misconduct. Depending on the company, misconduct can range from sexual harassment, bullying, bringing alcohol to work, lying, unethical conduct, and more. Aside from consulting your employee handbook on what the company defines as misconduct, a good rule of thumb is if you feel like you have to hide it, you probably shouldn’t be doing it. If you are worried about getting “caught” then it’s probably an offense worthy of immediate termination.

Criminal Conduct

Any criminal acts made by an employee is cause for termination. This should be the most obvious of all of the issues. Criminal conduct is basically anything you can get arrested for including fraud, stealing, falsifying company records, damaging company property, etc. The difference between this offense and others is that along with getting fired, you may also have charges brought against you or even face some jail time. Criminal conduct in the work place is a very serious offense.

There are all kinds of reasons one may be fired from a position. The three listed above are the most common. If you are worried you may be fired, address your concern with your manager. They may be able to put you at ease or give you a plan for improving so you are more confident in your job.