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Work Week Hustle – How to Create Balance and Reduce Stress within Your Job

Holding the position as leader within the workplace will always be a little stressful. The responsibility of everyone ultimately falls on your shoulders. Creating space within your job for balance and fun will increase your value as a manager to others as well as help maintain peace within your job. Below are a few tips on how to create balance and reduce stress within your job.

Create a Support System

Being a leader can be hard at times. You are responsible for the well-being and success of your whole team and in some instances, it can be a very isolating position. Everyone could use support from time-to-time, and having a group you can go to will definitely help when things get tough or if you just need someone that understands. Find a small group of like-minded managers you can respect and trust as your go to for support. These managers don’t have to be in your office or even in your same field of work. I met one of my go-to managers at a networking event and others have joined along the way. Create your own support system that helps and encourages each other. Whether you meet for coffee once a month or simply agree to be available if someone needs a pep-talk. Agree to be there when someone needs a hug, a shoulder to cry on, or someone to celebrate a success. Having a group you can rely on will reduce your stress levels and help you to feel less isolated in your position. It will also assist you in building confidence and strength within your own job.

Have a Mantra

This one seems a little odd but I’m telling you, it works when you need it. When anxiety and stress levels are high, one needs a way to immediately come down in order to focus on a solution. Create an easily recite-able phrase that motivates you. Even if it is as simple as “you can do this” or “you have everything you need to succeed”… when you feel the anxiety or stress starting to rise – close the door, take a deep breath and recite your phrase. Do this a few times until you are able to feel your heart rate slow. This will help balance out your mind and body so you are able to focus on next steps without letting your emotions lead the way.

Celebrate Your Team

All work and no play makes for a really dreary, unbalanced work environment. A team will always perform higher if they feel like their manager is on their side. Employees want to feel appreciated. Celebrating your team will help build morale and eliminate tension within the workplace. This will ultimately help reduce your stress as a manager. Whatever you do to show appreciation, let it be something that everyone can look forward to each month. Whether you celebrate birthdays, work successes, or just have a special team building event, showing a little bit of your “fun” side will speak volumes to your team. It will also give you something positive and lighthearted to focus on as their leader.

Yes, you are a manger and leader within your company -but you are also human. When things get overly stressful, you need a backup plan so you are able to perform efficiently. Creating a support system, having a mantra and finding ways to celebrate your team are all really great way to maintain balance and reduce stress as a manager.