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Work Week Hustle – How Allowing Creativity Can Positively Impact Your Team

In today’s innovative economy, it’s no surprise how important creative thinking is to the overall success of a company. Many business owners and managers are reaching out to experts in marketing, sales and management, spending thousands of dollars for training or new ideas that might make their business more successful. What if those amazing, innovative ideas are already stored within your building? You just have to know where to look. Below we will discuss ways to encourage creativity within the workplace and how it will positively impact your team.

Embrace Diverse Thought Processes

It is important to start off with the notion that not only managers can have creative and innovative ideas. Job status does not define your intellect or creativity. Allow employees the freedom of creativity by encouraging everyone in the company to submit new and creative ideas. Whether it is for sales or simply a more efficient lunch schedule, you may be surprised how many diamonds have been hiding right in front of you waiting for their chance to shine. Take notice of those that think a little differently than others. The ones that aren’t afraid to ask questions or look at a situation from another angle. Diversity in thinking will keep your office from remaining stagnant.

Reward Creativity

Employees sometimes have a tenancy to shy away from offering new ideas in fear of the consequences or stepping on co-workers toes. A good way to get that is to make an example of those that choose to step out with a new idea by offering a reward. If Suzy from the front desk has submitted a better way to optimize sales calls or Joe from IT submits a new idea for streamlining marketing efforts, show appreciation for their efforts by celebrating them publicly. Mention their idea in a meeting, put their name up on a board as this months “thought leader”, give them a gift card to Starbucks… Whether you choose to use their ideas or not, rewarding the effort will encourage employees use their creativity in a way that will benefit the company.

Encourage Team Work

Promote an environment where employees are encouraged to work together. Someone may have a good idea, but lacking process follow through that another co-worker may be able to add. Brainstorming with a small group can make good ideas great. There are also personalities that do not like to be center of attention. Working with a team will allow those employees to express their ideas to a small group and share the credit instead of standing alone. Creating team building activities or giving employees a project to work out together will build trust among your team while allowing them to build and create together. When successful, everyone benefits.

Creating a work environment that encourages creative thinking will increase morale, create bonds within your team and allow some really great ideas to surface. This type of atmosphere creates such positive results for managers in both employee performance and retention.