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Work Week Hustle – How to Build a Happy Work Environment

As people start to head back to work with new rules and procedures, it can be overwhelming. Some are being over-worked while others feel as though they don’t have enough to do. Trying to keep up with demands and follow protocols can make the work environment a little sad or stressful. Keep in mind, you are in charge of how you perceive your day. Below are a few tips and tricks on how to create your own happiness within your work environment.

Don’t Try to Change Co-workers

As humans, we have so many different characteristics, personalities, world views and backgrounds that make up each one of us. No one person is alike. For this reason as in life, there is a good chance that not everyone you work with will be your best friend. There will be people you immediately click with, and others that get under your skin. Just remember that you cannot change yow someone acts towards you, only how you respond to them. As professionals, it is expected of us to be cordial and kind when interacting in a work environment. The more anger and bitterness you let harbor inside, the more unhappy you will be overall at your place of business. You don’t have to be friends, but we can always find a way to respect each other professionally. If you are able to find this balance, then each day will be a lot more enjoyable.

Find Someone to Compliment

This is not one of those empty goals that you can mark off your list each day. There actually has to be some sincere thought behind it in order for it to brighten your day. One of the main issues that causes stress and unhappiness at work is being too focused on the internal issues within you. Take some time each day to get out of your own head and focus on something good about someone else. Look for someone good in others and express that to them every day. Whether you notice someone’s smile, their hard work or new hair cut; simply noticing and verbalizing it to that person can change both of your days. Keep in mind, you have no idea what is going on in everyone else’s world. A compliment may be the thing that lifts a co-workers spirits and gets them through the day. Knowing this will also make you feel better so it works both ways.

Stay Organized

Give yourself 5-10 minutes a day to organize or tidy up your work space. This may seem trivial, but keeping yourself and your area organized will lower stress levels and allow for a more peaceful work day. Also, make it a point to create daily or weekly work goals and reward yourself for achieving them. For example, if you have an issue with procrastinating, create a daily/weekly goal to have all your work projects finished ahead of schedule. Set a reward you would like (a Starbucks drink, special food you like, a pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing, etc.) and allow yourself to “win” the reward at the end of the week if you have successfully achieved your goal. This will keep work interesting, help better yourself, and offer a little bit of competition within your own job. You may also want to extend this to your co-workers to keep things extra fun.

Take Breaks

I know that your job can be overwhelming at times. Everyone is busy and trying to beat the clock. But it is so important that you take time for yourself so you do not burn out. Even if it is 30 minutes a day. If you get a lunch break, take it! If you can’t, then find some time during the day that you can get away. Eat some food, drink water, take a small breather and clear your head. This will help you to remain focused on your work without feeling exhausted and tapped out by the end of each day.

Find a Work Buddy

As humans, we are designed for community. Even introverts need human interaction, someone they can connect with on a regular basis. Human connection recharges our souls and lifts our spirits. If you are unhappy at work, it may be the isolation of not having a work buddy that “gets it”. Open yourself up a little to your co-workers and find someone you can really connect with on a friend level. You don’t have to get overly personal, just someone you feel comfortable talking to on a more casual level. Someone you can talk to about work stuff, laugh with and just overall be there as a work friend. Having a work buddy will help you get through the rough days while also increasing your joy even on the good days.

We all strive for happiness in each aspect of our lives. Regardless of what your work conditions are like, with these tricks, anyone can create their own happiness within their work environment. You don’t have to wait for your circumstances to change in order to be happy, you just need to find the right things to focus on.