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Work Week Hustle – Easy Ways to Have Some Festive Fun at Work

One of my favorite parts of the fall season is all the festivities that create a beautiful fall atmosphere. Even if the weather isn’t cooperating, having a little festive fun always makes my day better. If you are one of those people that love to have a little festive fun sprinkled throughout your day, this post is for you. As we all know, a place of business is a professional space but sometimes it’s nice to lighten the mood with some fall fun. Below are a few easy ways to have some festive fun at work.

Let Your Manager Make the Call

If your manager isn’t offering team building activities this fall ask if you can add a few fun things throughout the month that wont take away from your job. DO NOT assume it will be fine and go ahead with your plans without clearing it with your manager first. There may be a policy you do not know about or maybe they are planning something you don’t know about. Start off on the right foot by making sure your manager is okay with your ideas.

Add Some Festive Decor

Pick a time before or after work and grab a few co-workers (or make it a full team effort) to decorate your office with festive decorations. You can go out together to pick them out or ask everyone to bring something that they enjoy to add to the festivities. This will allow everyone to be included and have things around that will make them smile throughout the season.

Celebrate World Food Day

Help contribute towards the stop of world hunger by hosting a food drive in honor of World Food Day on October 16th. This is a way to truly make a difference while also supporting a good cause. you need is a few boxes and some signs, maybe an email sent out on October 1st so everyone knows to bring their cans and food items. This will help get everyone in the giving mood without taking away from work.

Festive Goodies

Brew some cider in the break room, bring some festive donuts for your team or set out a candy bowl for others to enjoy. Part of the fun is seeing all the fun goodies and smelling the fall aromas throughout the office. Plus, adding some treats to the day is a a fun way to get everyone in a good mood.

Adding festive fun to your workplace is all about imagination. Every office is different, as long as your manager is fine with a little festive sprinkle let those creative juices fly. Do your best to keep it professional and not take too much away from your daily work. Include your co-workers in the fun and everyone is sure to enjoy the season.