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Work Week Hustle – How to Keep Your Joy During a Stressful Holiday Season

The pandemic is officially over, but many businesses are still feeling the aftermath. Due to the hiring shortage, many employees are taking on extra work as many facilities are understaffed. Even in high stress situations, the holiday spirit does not go away. If you keep your eyes open, you can find the joyful moments. Take them in and share them with your co-workers. You never know how bad someone might need it. Here is 3 ways to keep your joy during a stressful holiday season.

Keep or Start Traditions

If you are spending more time with your work family this year, find ways to incorporate holiday cheer. Take time to decorate the office, bring holiday treats or incorporate other traditions. Don’t have any special traditions? Now is a great time to start one! Whether it’s picking out a new ornament for the office tree or having a holiday potluck, do something that will bring a smile to your face and a little warmth to your heart.

Give Back

One of the main ways to build up your own joy is to give it others. There are so many people needing a little helping hand during the holiday season, especially this year. Find a way to give back by supporting a child on an angel tree, holding an office food drive, donating to a charity or simply getting a special treat for a co-worker that is having a bad day. Look for ways to give joy to others, I guarantee it will raise your spirits as well.

Make the Most of It

Whatever your Holiday Season looks like, do what you can to make the most out of every opportunity. Instead of focusing on what is difficult about your job, make an effort to fill those moments with new things. Create a holiday greeting when you answer the phone, give out tiny stockings filled with candy to kids. Whatever is within your reach this year, do what you can to create some fun and memories out of it.

Remember, that this year has been rough for everyone. Sacrifices have been made, job responsibilities have changed, but at the end of the day we are all in it together. We can choose to be upset about our situation or we can choose to move forward with positivity, joy and love. Look for the good moments, share with others and create your own joy this holiday season. It may look different this year, but you have the opportunity to create memories like never before.

Want more tips and tricks this holiday season? CLICK HERE to check out our blog.