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Work Week Hustle – Top Work Travel Safety Tips for Bad Weather

When bad weather hits your area, it can sometimes be unexpected. Still, the show must go on and many are still required to go to work. If you find yourself needing to go into work during bad weather, make sure you take steps ahead of time so it does not take over your day. Prepare for the unexpected to happen by following these top work travel safety tips for bad weather.

Make Sure Office is Open

The last thing you want to do is assume your office is open and go in without checking, only to find out that it’s closed. Avoid a wasted trip and the dangers that come with it by calling your supervisor that morning to double check that your office will be open.

Extend Your Travel Time

When the weather is bad, be sure to give yourself extra time to get to work. There are so many thing that can slow down your commute that are out of your control so extra time will allow you to travel safely. Check the news or GPS to find out what your safest route will be so you don’t unnecessarily end up in a traffic jam or potentially dangerous situation due to too many cars on the road.

Dress for the Weather

Be sure that you do your best to choose your outfit with the weather in mind. If it is freezing or icy outside, then heels are a bad option as you could potentially slip and roll an ankle. Some offices will allow for business casual dress during bad weather but even if you are still required to wear business attire, make sure you choose warm, slip free options. Trade the slippery dress shoes, heels and skirts for slacks and flats. Wear layers so you are warm in the cold and have options if your office is extra warm.

In Car Safety Kit

Make sure your phone is fully charged and you have a safety kit in your car just in case you get stuck or in a wreck. A good safety kit should consist of a warm blanket, flash light, matches, a candle, bottle of water and a few granola bars. Also, make sure your car has a set of jumper cables and a tire iron as well. If something happens, you don’t want to find yourself stuck on the side of the road with no options.

Let People Know You’re Traveling

Call your work, family member or friend to let them know you are on your way to work and you will let them know when you arrive. If something happens on the way and you are unable to contact that person, then they will know to look for you or call someone for help. This may seem drastic to some but it could potentially save a life if something happens. Best (and most likely) scenario, it’s just an extra call or text letting that person know you arrived.

When bad weather hits hard so many things can happen. Even if you are a careful driver, not everything is within your control. Make sure you are prepared by following these work travel safety tips so you are sure to arrive safely and on time.