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Work Week Hustle- How to Get Ahead of the Post Pandemic Employment Rush

Now that the COVID-19 Pandemic is starting to calm down, businesses are opening back up and hiring managers are starting to fill their teams. However, many are still receiving unemployment benefits so the urgency to re-join the workforce is lacking to say the least. Many employers are finding that it is hard to get candidates to come in for interviews, which opens up a GREAT opportunity for those searching for a job, but it won’t last for long. Soon Unemployment benefits will run out and there will be a rush of people searching for a job. At this point, it will be even more difficult for candidates as the competition for each position will be high. Below is some tips and tricks on how to get ahead of the post pandemic employment rush:

Get Ahead of the Game

I order to get the job you want, it’s important to get ahead of the game. Now is the time to be passing out those resumes! Employers are ready to hire and the pool they are picking from is shallow. Even if you are financially secure at this point, don’t wait until you absolutely NEED the job to start looking. Get out there and take advantage of the spike in employment while you can.

Educate Yourself on Protocols

Before going in for an interview, take the initiative by asking about safety protocols. Each business is approaching this post pandemic world differently. Some are keeping the initial rules and regulations while others are a bit more lax, it would be wise to ask ahead of time so you are prepared. Of course, they should let you know what their protocols are but if they forget then you don’t want to make any assumptions and risk having to reschedule your interview. This will also show hiring managers that you are serious about meeting with them and going by their rules.

Be Prepared to Accept a Job

Right now may employers are offering immediate hire positions, meaning there is a chance you could get an offer on the spot. One thing I have witnessed is candidates that are ready for an interview, but are not prepared to accept a job. Before you line up interviews, make the preparations needed to accept a position. Whether it’s child care, transportation, etc. the last thing you want to do is be offered your dream job and have to turn it down because you were not prepared to accept it. Even if you need time for a notice or to find child care, know what you need before going into the interview so you are able to have a conversation about your start date instead of having to just say no.

The best chances any candidate has to landing the perfect job is to get head of the employment rush. Now is the time to get out there and find your position. Get your ducks in a row, find out protocols, dust off that resume and get to work! There are hiring managers waiting to find the perfect candidates to fill their teams, and that person could be you.