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Work Week Hustle – 3 Way to Shake the New Job Jitters

Starting a new job is hard no matter how much experience you may have in the field. It is never easy to be the “new kid”, learn new systems or the pace of an office. Everyone experiences anxiety or new job jitters when beginning a new position but with the right tools, one can walk in with confidence. Below are 3 ways to shake the new job jitters:

Start Off on the Right Foot

In order to shake the new job jitters, it’s important to walk in feeling good. Get a good night’s sleep, dress in something that makes you feel confident, eat a good breakfast and be sure to leave a little early so you do not feel rushed walking in on your first day. Mindset is important and how you start the day matters. Starting off your day right will allow you to feel confident and empowered throughout the day. If you are late, hungry or feel uncomfortable in your clothes, your anxiety throughout the day will only increase.

Take Notes

Whether they ask you to or not, make sure you are taking notes when you are being trained on something new. This show initiative on your part and also keeps you from having to ask questions about something that was just explained. Notes also keep instructions fresh in your mind so when you are doing tasks on your own for the first time, you can be more confident in each step.

Don’t Be Afraid to Speak Up

When starting a new job, communication is key. If you are going to be late, have trouble with software or don’t fully understand your responsibilities- the best way to handle the situation is to speak up. If you do not communicate, you leave room for assumptions that could affect your job long-term. It may be nerve-racking to discuss these issues but it shows you are trying to be a good employee and that you care about your job. It also allows your manager to ease your mind by providing you with positive feedback or encouragement if you are having a hard time.

It is completely normal to feel a little nervous or jittery when starting a new job. However, having the right mindset, taking notes and communicating with superiors when you have issues are steps that will allow you to have more confidence going into your new position.