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Swift Staffing Solutions HR Files – Is it Unethical Working 2 Jobs at the Same Time?

We have started a segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month’s question is:

QUESTION: I currently work at the front desk of an office that has been very slow. Aside from answering the phone, most of my work is finished in the first hour I get there. I have asked my manager for more things to do but there really isn’t much they need done. I am required to be there to answer the phone but I am filling my time reading or playing games on the computer. I recently noticed that there was a part-time billing position open in another department. Would it be unethical to do another job during the hours that I am on the clock for my current position? I think I can do both efficiently and still have time to spare, but it feels a little wrong. Before I bring this to my manager I just wan to know if this would be unethical or illegal?

ANSWER: Holding another position within your company during times when you do not have work for your current position it is not unethical or illegal. It actually shows initiative on your part and good work ethic because you are willing to look for ways to move the company forward rather than waste time. You see the company as a whole and how each department is connected. Offering your skill set in order to increase productivity in other areas of the company when you would otherwise be burning company time is a great solution to your issue. HOWEVER, with that said, you DEFINITELY want to speak with both managers first. Create a plan for if/when work should pick up in your current position and how you will handle juggling the work load of both positions efficiently. Keep in mind that just because it is not illegal, that does not mean your managers will be comfortable with it, so you need to be prepared for a possible no when you ask.

If you have a question you want answered, please contact us HERE. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.