918 -794- 4228 7335 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00

Swift Staffing Solutions 2021 Yearbook!

What a year 2021 has been for the Swift Staffing Team! It has definitely been a year of rebuilding for us as it has been for so many other small businesses. We have had many ups and downs throughout the year but before we move into 2022, we we would like to highlight some of the good things that have happened in 2021.

Clerical Expansion

One of the big adventures our team took on in 2021 is the expansion into clerical staffing. Up until this year, we have primarily focused our staffing efforts on medical placement. However, the pandemic turned our business on it’s head (as it did for most) and we were forced to look into other forms of service. Since then, a few prominent clerical staffing opportunities have opened for us and we felt like adding clerical options full time was more of a natural progression for us. Since then, we have been able to help not only amazing medical candidates connect with great positions, but also many clerical candidates as well. It has been such a seamless expansion for our team and I am so proud of the work they have done this year.

Extending into Arkansas

Along with clerical expansions, we have also had a few opportunities to fill positions in the state of Arkansas. This is the first time that our Swift Staffing team has reached out past the state of Oklahoma in order to help fill positions. This not only gave us a chance to reach a new clientele, but also opened our eyes to the potential of expansion down the road. We are all very excited about future opportunities to help candidates in surrounding states.

We Moved!

Another highlight the Swift Staffing Team experienced this year is moving our office to a new location. We did not move far (just a few miles down the road) but the building we are in now is SUCH a better fit for us. We have more room, more adequate space for interviewing and a more convenient location for managers and candidates to find us. We will be having an open house in the coming weeks for those that would like to see our new office space. We have worked hard to make it an inviting space and we are very proud of the result.

Giving Back

One thing that is super important to our team is having the opportunity to show how grateful we are every day. We went through the fire and we are blessed to say that we made it out to see another day. With that said, there are others that were not as lucky and we always want to do what we can to extend a helping hand. This year we were able to give back, not only to the medical community but also other AMAZING local charities. We have all been through the ringer both personally and professionally and we were lucky to be given a helping hand when we needed it. That is why it warms our hearts to be given the opportunity to give back whenever we can. I could make a list of the charities we contributed to, but that is not the important part of this message. The point we want to share is that giving back is so very important. We never fully know what someone is going through. What you may consider a little gesture could possibly make someone else’s entire year. We at Swift Staffing always want to remember this as we move forward.

Onward and Upward

The Swift Staffing Team had a very eventful 2021 full of joy, laughter, sweat and tears. We learned so much as individuals and even more as a team. As we move into 2022, our goal is to transition from a year of rebuilding to a year of growing and prospering. It is our prayer that everything we put our hands to will increase. We want nothing more than to fulfill the needs of each of our customers and our candidates in the coming year. We wish each and every one of you the best of luck and happiness in the coming year.

Here’s to 2022!