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Swift Staffing Solutions HR Files: Working TOO Much Leads to Unauthorized Overtime

We have started a new segment allowing managers to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. this month’s question is:

QUESTION: I have an employee that I recently hired that has been such a great addition to our team. She is always in a great mood, eager to help and goes above and beyond in her job. The problem is she continually works long hours even though I have repeatedly told her to stop. We do not have it within our budget to pay overtime and it is against our health and wellness policy for employees to exceed 40 hours per week. We have had several meetings about this and she always agrees to stop but then the next week we are back in my office again over the same issue. What can I do to get her to stop exceeding her work hours?

ANSWER: You can have one more very pointed, and clear conversation with this employee stating the policies put in place. As a new employee, one that you like and works hard, you want to come in with a positive, move into a negative and end with a positive. Start by letting them know how much you appreciate their willingness to work so hard. Then, let the employee know that it is not only against company policy but will no longer be tolerated. Unless otherwise pre-approved, working hours must stay with the 40 hour per week range. Reiterate how much you appreciate them as an employee and would very much love for the relationship to continue.

If this employee continues to have an issue working overtime after this final conversation, then you will start your corrective action proceedings. Remind the employee in your conversation that they are still considered a new hire and you would prefer to not start corrective actions before the first evaluation.

If you have a question you want answered, please CONTACT US HERE. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.