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Work Week Hustle: Top 5 To Do’s for Successfully Switching Industries  

The job market has been changing and evolving over the past few years and with that has come a change in interests for many employees. Many have chosen to switch industries in order to better meet the needs of their personal life while others are simply chasing new passions. Whatever the reason, if you choose to switch careers into a new industry, there are a few things you need to do in order to start on the right foot. Below are the top 5 “to do’s” for successfully switching industries.


When it comes to business, who you know matters. If you are considering a career change then networking with people within the new industry will help open doors and broaden your horizons. Even if networking events aren’t really your cup of tea, it would be beneficial to reach outside of your comfort zone a few times in order to meet some new people.

Find an Industry Mentor (or ten)

One of the best ways to fast track your entrance into a new industry is to find someone that is already successful and gain some knowledge on how they did it. Obtaining information from an “industry mentor” can get you on the right track while also helping you avoid some of the pitfalls they experienced during their journey to the top.

Update Your Resume

As we all know, not every resume is one size fits all. A proper resume will be tailored towards the position and industry you in which you are employed. If you are choosing to switch industries, then your resume will need to be revised and updated in order to properly fit the career change. It would benefit you to reach out to a mentor within the industry or staffing professional to help you revise your resume to make it a better fit for your new career.

Volunteer or Continue Education

If you are entering an industry that you have zero experience in, then you are likely going to have a hard time landing a job out of the gate. Consider applying for internships or volunteer opportunities at companies you like within the industry. This will allow you to get experience you need, meet new contacts, learn their company culture and possibly line yourself up for a paid position in the future. If you realize that you will need a specific certification or degree in order to advance into the position you want, online classes or night classes can help you move toward this goal at a faster pace.

Be Patient with the Process

Attitude is everything. Know that you may go on 100 interviews or send out 1,000 resumes before you find the perfect fit. Look at every experience as part of the learning process. Even if you realize halfway through an interview that this is not the job for you, finish the interview with a good attitude and thank the person for their time. Nothing is a waste, each “failed” interview is an opportunity to learn more about the field and a new networking contact within the industry.

Regardless of the field you are choosing to enter, each industry has certain requirements and expectations. Reaching out to those that are already established within the industry you are trying to enter will help you get on the right path from the beginning. Having a tailored resume or volunteering may help you stand out from the rest when hiring managers are considering candidates for a position. Remember, it is not always an overnight success when making such a large professional move. Give yourself a little grace and try not to get discouraged if you run into some road blocks. If you keep at it, you are sure to find the path that is right for you.