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Work Week Hustle: Top 3 Ways to Retain High Level Employees Post Pandemic

While unemployment has started to decrease, there has been many shifts in the workforce. When the pandemic hit, many businesses were forced to downsize which left employees overloaded with extra work and responsibility. Now that businesses are able to fill their team back up, one of the main complaints from lasting employees is that they feel unappreciated. New hires are receiving sign on bonuses and benefits when lasting employees have not even received a thank you for their long hours and hard work. Why not go to a new company where they can get the same sign on benefits? In order to retain high level employees post pandemic, mangers need to recognize the needs of their employees. Below are the top 3 ways to retain high level employees post pandemic.

Offer Flexibility

As many companies are moving back into the office, they are offering their employees the choice to either continue to work from home or go back to the office full-time. Not all companies can do this, however, those that can have said the extra flexibility offered to employees have helped them retain the high level workers whose personal lives have changed. Other companies are finding ways to offer flexibility to employees by adding PTO days, mental health days and COVID days as options if/when they need extra time outside of work due to sickness or personal issues. Giving employees a little more flexibility in their schedule will show you care about what is going on with them and leave room for help if they need it. Some employees have chosen to stay at their current workplace simply because they need the flexibility, which can be hard to find as a new employee somewhere else.

Give Growth Opportunities

A great way to retain employees post pandemic while filling positions with quality people is to consider hiring within the company. Offering opportunities to employment for career growth creates loyalty and fills your team with employees that have already proven to be successful. Promoting from within the company kills two birds with one stone and everyone wins. When employees know there is opportunity to grow and develop within the company, they are less likely to leave for another opportunity. Then you get managers that already understand the company culture, expectations and have an established presence with other staff members. You can then fill the lower level positions with new hires that will need less detailed training.

Increasing Wages or Adding Benefits

As mentioned earlier, one of the main complaints of lasting employees post pandemic is the fact that new hires are offered sign on bonuses, increased wages and additional benefits for joining their team while they are offered nothing to stay. While many companies are not in a position to offer raises or bonuses to lasting employees, the ones that are offering increased benefits to new hires should also create a program in order to retain employees. If you are able to do so, a bonus or increase may be appropriate to offer those that helped you through the storm. If your company is not able to give out monetary benefits, consider something else to show appreciation to lasting employees. A special lunch, gift cards, or even added PTO hours are a few small things that a company can do to thank employees for their loyalty and hard work.

When someone gives of themselves in a large way, they wish to be recognized or at least appreciated for it. The key to retaining most high level employees post pandemic is to show your lasting employees that you see the work and sacrifice they have given and you WANT them to stay. Appreciation can be show in a multitude of ways. Offering flexibility, growth opportunities and added benefits are some of the top ways to show your high level employees how much you appreciate them and wish to retain them for a long time to come.