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Work Week Hustle – Easy Ways to Ensure Compliance in the Workplace

One of the main responsibilities for most managers is to ensure that their team is being compliant with the policies and procedures established by the company. Have you ever felt like you are repeating yourself or addressing the same issues over and over? Below is a few easy things you can implement in order to ensure compliance in the workplace.

Consistently Update /Apply Handbook

Your employee handbook is one of the most important resources when it comes to managing your employees. It is where all of your policies and procedures should be properly documented and enforced. If there is a problem or even a question about how things are/should be done in the workplace, the employee handbook should be the reference point for both managers and employees.

As policies and regulations tend to change regularly, it is important to consistently review the employee handbook ( I would suggest quarterly) to see if there is any adjustments or updates that need to be made. If there are any changes made to your employee handbook, it is important to review this information with employees so they are aware of the changes.

Establish Quarterly Training Sessions

A thing I hear a lot when doing a corrective action is that the employee didn’t know that what they were doing was wrong. One of the best ways to ensure that employees are following policies and procedures correctly is to arm them with the knowledge and tools they need in order to be successful. The more your team is familiar with that is expected of them, the less likely they are to make unnecessary mistakes. Establishing quarterly training sessions for your team will allow your team to be fully educated on workplace compliance so they no longer have to question themselves on what is allowed or not allowed within the workplace.

Periodic Random Screens

Consider implementing periodic background and drug screens for current employees. Just because they are clear at the beginning of employment does not mean something can’t happen years later. As a manager, it is important to also know the potential risks to the company. Knowledge is power. Periodic random employee screens will help you stay in control of anything that can potentially put your company at risk.

Compliance is something that each manager or HR Representative has to deal with on a regular basis. Leading a team while also making sure everyone is properly following policies and procedures can be difficult to juggle. Regularly reviewing your handbook, adding quarterly training sessions and implementing random employee screenings are just a few things that may make managing compliance in the workplace a little easier.