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Work Week Hustle: Game Time! How to Become a Star Player on Your Work Team

One thing you may not know about me is when I was a kid, I was into a lot of team sports. My family was a sports family. My mother played co-ed softball well into her 50’s and my sisters and I were raised to be apart of a team. There is so much you can learn from being in a team sport that carries into your adult and professional life. One similarity I have found is between sports teams and work teams. Regardless of what field you are in, your work team is very much like a team sport. You are an individual that contributes to the whole. In order to be successful, everyone has a part to play but how you play it is up to you. Are you going to be an average player, backup or a star? Below are top ways to become a star player on your work team.

Prep Starts with You

Just like for every athlete, the work starts with yourself. Star players don’t wait around to be told what to do. They create their own opportunities and that starts with some prep. Make sure you are ready for the day BEFORE you get to work. Get up early, do some stretches, stop for coffee, pump yourself up with some music on the car ride in…whatever it is you need to do to get yourself in the right head space for the day. Walking in the door pumped, prepared and ready to go rather than dragging, late and frazzled will make such a huge difference in how your day goes.

Be On Time

Speaking of being prepared, showing up on time everyday shows you care about your job and respect the people on your team. Let people know you are here to be apart of the team and to do your part. Showing up late not only starts your day off on a bad note, it also makes you feel like you’re playing catch up while others pick up the slack. Even if you think nobody notices, trust me, they notice.

Bring Your “A” Game

Show up each day ready to give your all. Your work day is where you get to show your stuff. Let people see the skills you have worked so hard to achieve. Giving less than 100% devalues your worth, not only to your team but also to yourself. Being a star player means bringing your “A” game in every situation. Will you get it right every time? Probably not. But the effort behind your work will outshine the mistakes.

Be a Team Player

Part of being on a team is helping each other reach success. Star players can’t win without a team that backs them up. Being a team player means looking out for your team as well as for yourself. If someone is having a bad day, do what you can to lighten their load. If someone is struggling, see how you can help them push through. Star players help lead the team to a win. Even if you are not the “captain” of your team, being a good team player shows leader qualities that will benefit you down the line. It also helps you gain respect from your teammates. If you are willing to lend a helping hand when someone is struggling, they are more likely to return the favor should you have a bad day.

Keep Upgrading Your Goals

A star player is never satisfied with the accomplishments they have earned. If you are looking to move up in your career, then you need to constantly reevaluate your goals. Once you have reached a goal, there is room to add more. We should always be looking for ways to grow both as a person and in our professional lives. Regularly upgrading your goals allows for constant growth and makes you a star player in both your professional and personal life.

It takes effort, but anyone can be a star player on their work team. Getting your day started before work, being on time, bringing your “A” game, being a team player and upgrading your goals are all ways you can achieve this goal. It’s a lifestyle and a mindset that many are not willing or care to achieve. If you put in the work, it will show. You will shine so bright in your office it will be hard not to notice.