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Work Week Hustle: : 5 Tips on How to Conduct a Successful Interview

Work Week Hustle: : 5 Tips on How to Conduct a Successful Interview

As a manager, conducting interviews for open positions is part of the job. However, it can be stressful if you are new to the game. Keep in mind that an interview is just a conversation, nothing to be nervous about. Below are 5 tips on how to conduct a successful interview.

Create a Structure for the Meeting

When conducting interviews for an open position, be sure to create a basic schedule for your meeting. This will allow you to cover all the key areas you want while also leaving room for the candidate to add what they want to the interview. This shows the candidate that you respect their time while also allowing you to lead the conversation with an organized framework.

Review Candidates Work History

Before the candidate arrive and address any holes in the timeline. This may also be a great way to open up the conversation so they can share about some of their experiences in similar jobs. Some managers will also ask about a time that was difficult that they overcame in their previous work or something they learned.

Have a List of Must Ask Questions

It can be easy to get into an interview and lose focus on everything you wanted to accomplish. Many times I have thought of something I wanted to ask after the candidate has already left. Get ahead of the game by creating a list of your must ask questions before the interview starts. This will ensure that you get all your questions answered even if the interview gets off track a bit.

Use All Types of Questions

Keep in mind that many candidates are nervous when entering a job interview. Nerves can affect a person in different ways, keeping them from showing their true self. Some get extra quiet, while others will not stop talking. A great way to combat this issue is to make sure you have a good mix of yes/no and open ended questions. Yes/no questions will get the fast talkers to take a break while open ended questions will entice the quiet ones to open up a little.

Have Next Steps Available as an Exit Strategy

Ending an interview can be a little awkward. A great way to go about it is to review what has happened, thank them for coming and give the candidate a good idea of what to expect next. This will give the candidate the information they need moving forward while also cuing it’s time to leave.

Conducting job interviews does not have to be stressful. If you prepare head of time by using these 5 tips, you are sure to be successful. Planning ahead will take the stress out of the equation and allow you to focus on the candidate.

For more tips and tricks for interview success, please CLICK HERE.