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Work Week Hustle – Job Hunting? How to Successfully Market Yourself

Swift Staffing Solutions Tip of the Week Job hunting? How to successfully market yourself

Have you been having a hard time on the hunt for a new job? Whether you are straight out of school, changing careers or simply looking for something new, it can be hard to get started. The job market has been picking up, therefore, the competition for open positions is tighter. The best way to set yourself up for success is to get ahead of the game. Hiring managers are looking for someone that stands out. You need to be able to communicate what sets you apart from other candidates. Below are 5 easy ways to successfully market yourself during your job search.

Build Your Personal Brand

When searching for a job, you want to lay the ground work first. It is important to start by building a consistent and strong personal brand, both online and offline. Hiring managers look at more than just your CV. They want to know who you are as a person and what you represent. Building a personal brand is just creating an avenue for them to find out about you.

So the question is, who are you? If a hiring manager were to google your name, what would you want them to see? Just as you would put time and effort into job interview prep, it is imperative to put some consideration into your online social pages and networking efforts.

Update Social Media Pages

One of the first places a hiring manager will go to search a candidate is their social media pages. This is because people live their lives on social media. Therefore, you can get the most accurate view of a person by what they post. Being proactive with your online footprint will benefit your job search. Start with cleaning up your pages; what do you NOT want them to see? Drunk photos from college? Delete. Inappropriate shares or comments? Delete.

Start with updating your LinkedIn page so hiring mangers can see you are looking and available. You can also utilize LinkedIn to grow your professional network. Second, make sure your other social pages (twitter, instagram, facebook, etc.) all have a professional look to them. Hiring managers will be checking these too! Another good way to stand out is to share your skillset on your pages by posting or writing articles about industry trends and news.

Dress for the Job You Want

We have all heard the quote “dress for the job you want, not the one you have” and it couldn’t be more true. If you have the opportunity to meet with a hiring manager about a potential job, make sure you dress to impress. People naturally will make snap judgements in the first 10 seconds they meet you. That is why it is so important to dress the part. The last thing you want to do is show up to an interview (or zoom call) looking like you rolled out of bed.

What you wear shows how much you care. If you put time and effort into your appearance, it shows the hiring manager that you WANT to be there and you care about the outcome of the meeting. It also helps with your confidence. If you feel good about how you are presenting yourself, then you are more likely to feel more confident about answering questions and talking about yourself.

Stock Up on Referrals

Referrals are a great way to market yourself during the job hunt because they add to your credibility. It is great to be able to talk about your skills, reliability and experience, but it’s even better if it comes from someone else. Referrals and testimonials are a way to silently tell the hiring manger “I’m great, here’s 5 more people that think so”. The more people you can have vouch for you professionally, the better credibility you will have walking into an interview.

Tell Your Story

The main reasons for an interview is for the hiring manager to get to know a candidate. Your skills and experience are what go you the interview, now they want to know if you will fit in good with the company culture. Your biggest opportunity to market yourself is by telling your story.

Whether you have a Masters or life experience, it is important to share how you got where you are today. Let the hiring manager get to know your personality (while still keeping it professional, of course!). It is best if you write out your story and practice ahead of time so you are not caught in the moment. Knowing what you are going to say will alleviate any rambling or uncomfortable pauses so you are able to communicate with ease and confidence.

When you are on the job hunt, remember, there is no better hype person than yourself. You are your best advocate. So how you market yourself to potential employers should reflect who you really are. Show them what makes you unique and how you plan to succeed at their company and in life. The point of creating your personal brand is not to be someone you are not, it’s to show the world what makes you shine. These tips should help you get there.

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