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Work Week Hustle – 5 NEW Best Practices When Recruiting Potential Candidates

Swift Staffing Solutions Work Week Hustle - 5 NEW Best Practices When Recruiting potential candidates.

The workforce overall has experienced A LOT over the past few years. In order to survive the pandemic, the Great Resignation and the normalization of hybrid work options hiring mangers would’ve needed to tweak their recruiting and hiring process. However, the work atmosphere is forever changing, therefore, we as managers must continue to adjust. Below are 5 NEW best practices when recruiting potential candidates.

Allow Candidates to Ask Questions Before Applying

Sometimes job ads don’t give enough information to engage top candidates. If you are having a hard time gaining traction on your job ads, a good option is to invite top candidates to ask questions about the position before applying. Increase interest by being proactive. This seems time consuming, but it doesn’t have to be. Simply adding a chatbot to your website will offer interested candidates the opportunity to ask questions without you being present 100% of the time.

Another option to engage candidates is to host a virtual event. This is a set amount of time scheduled into your day or week where candidates can learn more about the jobs you are offering. This gives you face to face contact with potential candidates so you can meet and answer questions. Virtual events have a high success rate, as they give the candidate a look into the company and culture. Whether you spoke directly to a candidate during a virtual event or not, they will feel more comfortable in the actual interview having already “met” you.

Incorporate Virtual Meeting Options

Many candidates looking for a job have a hard time meeting during the standard 8am-5pm time-frame. Whether they have another job they are currently working or they are at home with kids, it’s becoming more popular for recruiters to offer flexibility during the initial interview. Best practice is to extend your work hours by 1 hour or just make the last hour of the day to create time for virtual interviews.

Virtual hours have been wildly successful in the past year at increasing candidate engagement. Instead of arranging for child care or taking time off from work, candidates are able to easily jump onto a ZOOM meeting for their initial interview. If things progress further, then they will be more apt to make arrangements so they are able to do a second interview in person.

Host a Job Fair

If you are looking to hire for multiple positions within your organization, try streamlining your hiring process into one event. Hosting a job fair for your business will allow candidates to drop in at their convenience, meet the team, interview and possibly get a job offer all in the same day.

One of the hardest parts of the job search for candidates is the waiting. A one day job fair is a dream come true for candidates looking for an immediate hire situation. Additionally, this event get new candidates in the door that might otherwise have not engaged with your job ad online. In the end, if you are able to meet and hire candidates for your open positions all at once, everyone wins.

Give Candidates Access to your Employees

One of the biggest hurdles when it comes recruiting new talent, is finding candidates that fit the company culture. If they have all the best skills and experience but do not fit in with your other employees, it simply won’t work. Combat this issue by connecting candidates with your employees. Let employees join in at the Job Fair, do a meet and greet after work hours or let potential candidates ask your employees questions at the end of a virtual event. Whatever avenue you choose to take, it will give you great insight into each candidate along with increasing engagement for them as well.

The benefit of having employees connect with potential candidates is it gives everyone an opportunity to see how things will go in the future. Candidates can ask questions and socialize with employees, which also gives them the opportunity to see that the core values and atmosphere expressed in the interview was actually true. If the candidate is hired, they will feel more comfortable on their first day as they have already met the team.

Increase Communication

One of the biggest complaints I hear from potential candidates is the lack of communication hiring managers have during the interview process. They come in for an interview and leave without a clear idea of next steps. The Swift Staffing team teaches our candidates to ask about next steps in an interview, but many don’t feel comfortable being that assertive.

Hiring managers are more likely to get engagement from potential candidates if they are willing to offer more communication about the process. Give an honest outline of what the hiring process looks like. It is okay to let candidates know you are interviewing others or that you won’t be making a decision until the end of the week. It’s important to communicate expectations to each candidate so they can prepare. Otherwise, they are likely to look into other opportunities before you have a chance to make a decision.

If you are having a hard time engaging with new talent, you may need to adjust your process. If you take even a few of these new best practices into account when recruiting for your next job, you are sure to enhance the candidate experience and increase engagement overall.

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