918 -794- 4228 7335 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00

Articles Posted by Darcy Swift

Work Week Hustle – How to Handle a Job Rejection Letter

Everyone that has gone through the job search process have received a rejection letter. But the question is, how do you best respond? Should you even respond at all? if you are genuinely interested in the position, you should DEFINITELY respond to the rejection letter. Below I break down the best way to go about it.

Work Week Hustle: Game Time! How to Become a Star Player on Your Work Team

One similarity I have found is between sports teams and work teams. Regardless of what field you are in, your work team is very much like a team sport. You are an individual that contributes to the whole. In order to be successful, everyone has a part to play but how you play it is up to you. Are you going to be an average player, backup or a star? Below are top ways to become a star player on your work team.

Work Week Hustle – How to Prepare for the Job Market in 2022

Looking to start new in 2022? A lot have things have changed in a short amount of time. Whether you are unhappy in your current position and seeking something new, re-entering the job market after a break, changing career paths, or just starting out - there needs to be a little prep before you jump into your first interview. Below are tips and tricks on how to prepare for the job market in 2022.