918 -794- 4228 7335 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00

GO NUTTS for World Food Day!

World Food Day is October 16th and we wanted to find a way to get involved that will impact our direct community. That is why we have chosen 2 different ways to contribute and would like to invite you to join us:


We will be hosting a food drive at our office for the month of October and want to encourage you to help out! COVID-19 has impacted many families in our community and now is the perfect time to support our local food banks, as they are serving more people than ever right now. If you are coming in for an interview or just want to drop by, please bring any non-perishable items with you to add to our bundle. We are hoping to bring as much as possible to the food banks and would love your help!


We want to continue to support The Go Nutts Lunch Club created by Stacie Nutt ,the Chief Human Resource Officer at Indian Healthcare Resource Center in Tulsa. This organization pays off school lunch balances so kids don’t go hungry and are able to focus in school. If you would like to get involved, there are many ways to do so. Click here to learn about all the ways you can give.

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  • VictoriaMaxeyRT 4 years ago

    Feeding kids is the most important priority on Earth! I am touched by this effort and that all goes to Tulsa kids. I will see you soon with a box of goodies! Thank you for sharing this–I will be honored to help Stacie as well with her noble mission. Big Love! 🙂 Tori