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HR Files – Alternatives to Holiday Bonuses

We have started a new segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. Our first question is:

QUESTION: Our company usually gives each manager a holiday budget to be used for employee bonuses. Unfortunately, this year our company is lacking the resources and our holiday budget has been discontinued so I am unable to give holiday bonuses. I want to show my employees how much they mean to the company. What can I do for my employees instead of bonuses? 

ANSWER: It would be great to give out bonuses, I know many people could really use it this year but that’s not always in the cards for a company owner or manager. It has been a tough year for everyone, sometimes a little recognition can go a long way. Try doing a fun awards party, maybe do 12 days of Christmas where you get your employees small gifts each day. You could plan a white elephant party after hours or even something small like Starbucks gift cards.

The point is to let people know they are recognized and appreciated. The company may not be able to provide bonuses, as disappointing as that may be for some, I think everyone can understand considering the year we have had. If you as a manager do your best to get creative and show your employees how much you value them, they will surely appreciate it. I know I would.

If you have a question you want answered, please contact us here. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.