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HR Files – Being Promoted Over Co-Workers

We have started a new segment allowing managers to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month’s question is:

QUESTION: I was recently promoted into a management position and one of my former co-workers chose to turn in her 2 week notice on the same day. She told me she respect me as an authority figure and had another job lined up. Well, something happened with her new position and she has now rescinded her resignation. She is acting like nothing happened, but everyone knows how she feels about me as the new manager and I’m afraid if it’s just swept under the rug nobody will respect me in my new role. What is the best way to handle this situation? Do I let it go or make it an issue? 

ANSWER: At this point, she has already turned in her resignation and in that process let everyone know exactly how she feels about the changes being made within your department.  As standing manager, I would allow her to keep the resignation as is and wish her well on her next adventure.

It is unfortunate what happened with her new position, but coming back without even the slightest hint of an apology after working so hard to burn the bridge shows the rest of your employees that they do not need to respect you as a manager. It also perpetuates a toxic environment moving forward. Saying “we aren’t for everyone” is a good way to release her with respect and dignity.  If you allow this person to stay, she will undermine your authority and create disrespect for the management position you hold.

If you have a question you want answered, please contact us here. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.