Swift Staffing HR Files allows managers to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month’s topic is: How to Propose More PTO to Office Employees
QUESTION: My workplace has an option for SOME of our employees to work from home when needed. This is not offered to everyone because some employees have responsibilities that can’t be done out of the office. I want to propose to our CEO that extra PTO days be given to the employees that are unable to work from home. I feel like this is fair since others can work from home on days that they are sick. Is there a good way to address this with my boss? What would the process be if we were to move forward?
ANSWER: I would prepare a proposal so your request and reasoning is in writing and schedule a meeting with your CEO to discuss your plan. However, try to keep and open mind and not be disappointed if it is not approved. Bosses tend to lean on the side of what is fair to all and there may be people that don’t see that as fair.
To help your case, you can put in your proposal that it would even the playing field because work from home employees can take sick days and still count it as a work day. However, ultimately it would be your CEO’s decision. If it is approved by your CEO, next steps would be to connect with your HR manager to work on amending the company handbook stating the details that were agreed upon. Lastly, all employees will need to be made aware of the changes.
Please click the link f you have a question you want answered. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.
Swift Staffing HR Files allows managers to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month’s topic is: How to Propose More PTO to Office Employees
QUESTION: My workplace has an option for SOME of our employees to work from home when needed. This is not offered to everyone because some employees have responsibilities that can’t be done out of the office. I want to propose to our CEO that extra PTO days be given to the employees that are unable to work from home. I feel like this is fair since others can work from home on days that they are sick. Is there a good way to address this with my boss? What would the process be if we were to move forward?
ANSWER: I would prepare a proposal so your request and reasoning is in writing and schedule a meeting with your CEO to discuss your plan. However, try to keep and open mind and not be disappointed if it is not approved. Bosses tend to lean on the side of what is fair to all and there may be people that don’t see that as fair.
To help your case, you can put in your proposal that it would even the playing field because work from home employees can take sick days and still count it as a work day. However, ultimately it would be your CEO’s decision. If it is approved by your CEO, next steps would be to connect with your HR manager to work on amending the company handbook stating the details that were agreed upon. Lastly, all employees will need to be made aware of the changes.
Please click the link f you have a question you want answered. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.