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Swift Staffing HR Files – How to Handle Too Many Vacation Requests

We have started a new segment allowing managers to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month’s question is:

QUESTION: I have a lot of employees putting in request for summer vacation all around the same time. Usually we have a “first come, first served” policy but this year a very different than previous years with the COVID-19 pandemic slowing our business. We chose not to take PTO from employees during off time and we did not change our policy on when they can take that time. We expect that there will be a spike in business around July-Aug. so we need a full team. If everyone gets a week off in the summer we will be incredibly under staffed. Is there a way to handle this where everyone wins?

ANSWER: As managers, it is always our goal to create a win/win situation. We obviously do not want to let everyone down, but we also do not want to put the company in a bind to make everyone happy. The truth is, there is always going to be someone that is unhappy with the decision that is made. However, I do think there is a way in this situation to give everyone a positive answer.

If your business is currently open, you can site COVID-19 temporary change in policy. There have been so many changes the past few months, this should come at no surprise to your team. Within this temporary change, employees can still take their time off but with new parameters around available dates. Each employee is free to schedule their personal time off either right now or in the late fall.  Not everyone at the same time and first come, first serve. This way the company is able to carry a full staff through the busy months while still allowing some flexibility for employees to reschedule vacation time.

If you have a question you want answered, please contact us here. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.