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Swift Staffing HR Files – Ways to Handle Employee Layoffs

We have started a new segment allowing managers to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month’s question is:

QUESTION: Due to the pandemic, we are having to layoff workers. We aren’t able to make payroll and are not sure what the nature of our business will be once the fog clears. These people have been with us from the beginning and I have no idea how to properly let them go. We have no severance to offer. What can I offer that them that may help their situation without compromising my business? 

ANSWER: The best way to compassionately release an employee due to the effects of the pandemic, is to instruct them on how they can survive until things get back to normal. The Federal Government has set in place programs, such as Unemployment, that allow employees to receive benefits due to the Coronavirus and/or COVID-19 without it affecting the unemployment rate of the employer.

The employee needs to be instructed to used words like “Furloughed due to Coronavirus and/or COVID-19”. If the employee states that they were dismissed due to lack of work, it will not only go against the employer but also move that employee’s benefits to the bottom of the pile.

If you have a question you want answered, please contact us here. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.