918 -794- 4228 7335 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00

Swift Staffing Solutions 2020 Yearbook

What a wild ride 2020 has been! To say that we have been put through the fire this year would  be the understatement of the decade. The challenges we faced as a company were like nothing we have ever experienced. What we came to realize is that with every challenge, there is an opportunity to shine; to look outside the box and create a new way. We were stretched and have grown in ways that we would have never imagined pre-pandemic and I believe we are all better for it both professionally and personally. Here are some of the highlights the Swift Staffing Team experienced this year:

Pandemic Shift

As most everyone in the business world, we saw a lot of drastic changes in once the pandemic hit. Many positions were being put on pause, employees were being furloughed and entire medical facility units were being shut down to make room for COVID-19 patients. This put a halt to most of our business and left many of our employees without jobs. We as a staffing company needed to adjust the way we did things and look outside the box to create employment opportunities. That is when we decided to move from staffing mainly medical facilities to other essential business facilities such as construction sites and warehouses with medical professionals that can take temperatures and determine symptoms. We also did our best to help our partners and lift spirits by providing medical equipment (gloves, thermometers, masks, etc.) and dropping off food for much needed breaks.

The transition for us was difficult, but we were able to expand outside of our normal comfort zone to reach those that needed it. We are so grateful for our employees and partnered managers that stuck with us during such a difficult time. Everyone was struggling within the unknown and I am so proud that we were able to ban together and help each other through it.


We have been staffing for a few medical facilities in Oklahoma City, and mid-way through the year we decided to take up permanent residency. We started by going up a few days a week to interview candidates and meet new managers. We were finally able to obtain an office space and staffed a recruiter so we are now fully expanded into the Oklahoma City area and staffing for medical facilities full-time instead of sparingly. This was a big risk for us being in the middle of such a crazy year. I am so glad we took that leap because we have been able to meet some amazing professionals and connect them with some great jobs.

Baby Boom

This pandemic brought more than just a few changes professionally, it also caused a wonderful baby boom within our office. We had 3 of our ladies in the Swift Staffing Office become pregnant. One had her baby at the end of October, a beautiful baby boy. The other two are due in 2021. It has been such a thrill having these ladies in the office. New life in the midst of all of this tragedy is so refreshing. Family is such an important thing and we want to celebrate it any chance we can get. We are so excited for these beautiful ladies and the baby boom that has happened in our office this year.

Finishing Strong

Yes, this year has been challenging, but we have done our best to rise above and will continue to rise with every opportunity given. As we move into 2021, we are so grateful for the lessons we learned in 2020 and wish for a great start to the new year. In order to do that, we want to do our best to finish strong. We have great plans for the coming year but in order to set ourselves up for success, we will be working hard the entire month of December to make sure we end 2020 on a high note.

Thank you to each and every one of our partners, candidates, managers and friends that has fought along side us this year. We are so grateful for the bonds we have and so proud of this beautiful community. The Swift Staffing Team wishes you a very happy and healthy New Year. Goodbye 2020, Let’s Go 2021!!