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How to Best Address Employees with Active Online Resumes

This segment allows managers to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month’s question is: Should a manager address employees with an active online resume?

QUESTION: I noticed that one of my tenured employees have made their resume active on LinkedIn and other job boards. She is one of our highest paid employees and been known as one of our top Rockstar employees for over 10 years now.

We recently had our quarterly review and she said she was happy with her work and her position, so I’m not sure why she is searching for something new. Should I address this with her or wait until she comes to me? I am not really sure the rules on this, I don’t want to overstep but I need to know if she’s planning on leaving and why.

How to Best Address Employees with Active Online Resumes

ANSWER: It never hurts to initiate the conversation and let her know that you are interested in knowing her feedback. This will open the door for her to be transparent. However, you need to be prepared ahead of time for her answer. I would schedule a meeting and certainly address it with her while having an open mind.

There could be so many different reasons why her resume is active. She may just be fishing to see what is out there since she has been at one position for so long. She may have a personal issue that is forcing her to look at other options. OR maybe she is using this as an opportunity to be offered a raise (she may not know she can ask for a raise). Whatever the reason, it is better to hear it straight from her and get on the same page moving forward rather than continuing to work it up in your head. A meeting to clear the air very well may be what she needs too in order to lower stress levels and continue in an environment of honesty and transparency.

Please contact us if you have a question you want answered. We will feature one frequently asked question per month.