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Swift Staffing Solutions HR Files – Concerns About Offensive Company-Wide Emails

We have started a new segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This months question is:

QUESTION: My place of employment just opened a new fitness center that is available to all employees for free. They have recently started sending out emails to try to get more employees to join new fitness programs by offering incentives (1 PTO day for every 5 completed programs). While the emails are meant to be encouraging, there is a negative and somewhat “shaming” tone to them. Not to mention, not everyone can physically work out on machines due to injury or health reasons so the incentives they are offering are unfair to those that can’t participate. I don’t want to ruin the fun for everyone, who do I need to talk to about having incentives that are more inclusive of everyone and less shaming content in emails without it jeopardizing my job?

ANSWER:  First of all, your feelings are completely valid about the situation. Certain incentives are not meant to be exclusive, merely to encourage employees to participate in the programs that are offered. If you feel something needs to be addressed, there is a proper chain of command to follow.

Anytime an employee has a concern or a question about a company offered incentive or is feeling left out of a company wide event, they need to go to their HR Representative to discuss their concerns. That is what the Human Resources Representative is there for. If your company does not have am HR Rep or department, then you would take your concerns to the next available representative above you (i.e. your manager). Following the chain of command will give you a better outcome than jumping the chain of command or complaining to a co-worker, which comes off as negative and “stirring the pot” in the eyes of your employers.

If you have a question you want answered, please contact us below. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.