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Swift Staffing Solutions HR Files – Handling an Office Nuisance

We have started a new segment allowing managers to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month’s question is:

QUESTION: I have an employee that is constantly provoking their co-workers. I have had multiple talks, corrective actions, etc. but technically she isn’t doing anything against the rules that justifies termination. She isn’t being abusive or threatening, just going out of her way to push buttons to get a reaction. Today one of my employees finally snapped and cussed at her. As a manager, I need to handle the situation but knowing how this employee has been triggering everyone, I feel like she had it coming. At this point, I feel like I’m just waiting for someone to assault this girl and have to fire them. How can I handle this appropriately without costing anyone their job or sanity?

ANSWER: The short answer is, there is likely not a way to handle this situation without someone losing their job. That is, unless the employee causing all the issues isn’t willing to act more professional. They may not be threatening anyone, but it sounds like they are definitely causing a hostile work environment which is MORE than enough to justify termination. You have given verbal warnings and corrective actions so you should have the paper trail needed to warrant a termination. If you do not act, then the alternative is you may end up losing your entire staff. Sometimes you have to stand up for your team even if that means losing one of them to keep the peace overall.

If you have a question you want answered, please contact us here. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.