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Swift Staffing Solutions HR Files – Is it Okay to Take Free Office Snacks Home?

We have started a new segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month’s question is:

QUESTION: Since the beginning of the Pandemic, our office has been stocked with snacks and drinks as our hours have increased and often we are unable to leave for meals. This is completely free for us, but one of my co-workers have been taking advantage and it is driving me crazy. She will bring bags and take stuff home at the end of the day, she has even gone as far as putting her name on certain foods she likes as if she brought it! I know this shouldn’t bother me, it is free for us to take, but I kind of feel like it’s also stealing, as she is not using it like it’s intended. They only re-stock twice a week so sometimes when she takes things home, it leaves us without for the next day. Am I over-reacting? Should I say something to my manager or leave it alone? 


There are a few different ways to approach this situation, but one thing you need is additional information. First of all, I would start by talking to the co-worker before taking the issue to anyone else. Definitely DO NOT discuss this with other co-workers. They cannot help fix the situation so at that point, you are just creating drama and spreading gossip amongst the workplace which could backfire and get you in trouble.

If and when you choose to confront your co-worker about taking snacks home and claiming some as her own, maybe show a little grace and look at it from a different perspective. Talk to her about it and find out what the motivation is… Perhaps she is having issues at home when it comes to food and needs the extra to help get by? This past year has been hard on all of us but some are taking a bigger hit than others. If she needs the extra help, it would be a good opportunity for you to talk to your manager about providing additional resources for her. If that is not the case and she is just taking advantage because it’s available to do so, then definitely say something to a manager because it is considered taking from the company.

If you have a question you want answered, please contact us HERE. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.