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Swift Staffing Solutions HR Files – Manager Lead Project & Professional Boundaries

We have started a segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month’s question is:

QUESTION: I am currently working on a project with my department and it is clear to me that my manager has no idea what she is doing. I have tried to suggest other ways but she acts offended and ignores my advice. I feel like it’s going to affect our team if we don’t do it right (we are NOT doing it right). Is there a professional way to call her out and get her to listen to reason? It’s a project I have done before, I know an easier and more efficient (and correct) way of doing it but I don’t want to overstep when she clearly doesn’t want my help.

ANSWER: When working with a team, it is inevitable that people will have different opinions on how things should be done. Politely letting your supervisor know you have experience with something and offering suggestions is absolutely okay. We all have something to we can offer, but in this case, it sounds as though your manager does not appreciate your input. When your supervisor turns the suggestions down, then is the time to follow direction. As painful as it might be to watch your team go in a different direction, it is ultimately your managers decision on how to approach the project. If the project is not at its best, it is the supervisor that will be the one to answer for the mistakes. Knowing and respecting the chain of command is important and will get you noticed in a good way.

If you have a question you want answered, please contact us HERE. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.