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HR Files – Companies Sharing Personal Information on the Company Directory?

We have started a new segment allowing potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. Our first question is: Can a company share my personal information in the company directory?

QUESTION: I just started a new job at a great facility. As I got setup in the system on my first day I noticed that there is an employee directory inside our internal system that shares each employees personal contact information. This includes cell phone number and address along with a picture next to your information.

I don’t want to cause an issue on my first week. I love my job, but I am really uncomfortable with everyone in the building having access to my personal information. I can’t think of one reason why my co-workers or anyone else in the building should know my personal address or phone number without me giving it to them directly. How can I address this with my boss without coming across negatively on my first week?

ANSWER: I totally understand your concern, while some may not have a problem with it I personally wouldn’t like this either. This is something companies used to do in the past, however, many businesses have changed their directory information to work extensions and emails or gone away with a directory all together. I am wondering if this has ever been addressed before, as I can see having your personal information offered to the entire work staff being an issue for many people. Let me just first say, this should in no way affect your job. It is completely okay to speak up when you have a concern at work.

Secondly, this is an HR issue so you need to address it with them directly rather than going to your boss. Request a meeting with your HR manager and express to them exactly how you feel. Let them know this is a violation of your privacy and you are uncomfortable with everyone having access to your personal information. Maybe offer a solution by saying you are okay with having your work extension or email available on the directory instead of your personal phone number and address. This way you are still represented in the directory without offering your personal information. This may also prompt them to change the information for everyone.

If you have a question you want answered, please CLICK HERE. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.