918 -794- 4228 7335 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00

Should You Reapply For A Job After Being Rejected?

This segment allows potential candidates to ask questions that will be answered directly by our CEO, Darcy Swift. This month’s question is: Should I reapply for a position after being rejected?

QUESTION: I went through the interview process for a position I really wanted. Ultimately, I was rejected as they said they were focusing on more qualified candidates. I thought that meant that they had narrowed down to someone better. Surprisingly, I noticed months later that the job listing is still up. My question is, should I apply again? I assume whomever they offered the position to either turned it down or they didn’t work out. So maybe they would be open to the less qualified bunch again. Is it unprofessional to reapply for a job I was already rejected for months ago? I still really want the job but don’t want to embarrass myself.

reapplying for a job after being rejected

ANSWER: If the position is being reposted again then there is a reason. It is not unprofessional to reapply. There is a certain way you should go about doing so if you want to have a different outcome than before. First, when you reapply, indicate something DIFFERNT that you bring to the table. What is something you excel at that maybe you didn’t mention before? If you have taken extra classes, certifications or simply can express more experience, that will be helpful.

Secondly, after you reapply, immediately send the person you interviewed with an email letting them know that you have reapplied for the position and would love to have a shot at another interview. Express to them how interested you are in this position and why you feel like you would be the perfect candidate.

They may have hired a candidate with more relevant skills originally that may have not worked out. Reapplying just shows your continued interest in their company and the position.

Please contact us if you have a question you want answered. We will feature one frequently asked question a month.