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Work Week Hustle: 3 Crucial Things to Consider Before Changing Careers

As professionals re-enter the workforce post pandemic, many are finding that they are no longer happy within their current profession. Taking time away allows one to reevaluate their purpose and priorities in life which, in some cases, may no longer line up with ones career choice, financial goals, or personal well being. However, before you take the plunge into another career, you will want to consider all the possible options. Below are 3 crucial things to consider before changing careers.

What are the Pros?

Changing careers may benefit you in many ways. It could open up different talents and passions that you have yet to fully explore. It can force you out of your comfort zone and expand your level of professional growth. You may also find that a different field of work offers more fulfilling contributions on your part. Changing careers may also offer a higher salary, which in return, will give you more security in your personal life. Change is exciting. Remember when you first jumped into the workforce. So much possibility awaited. A career change may offer that same feeling again, especially if you are feeling burned out or stagnant in your current career.

What are the Cons?

Consider what you might be losing in regards to experience, hierarchy and compensation if you choose to leave your current profession for another. If you are early on in your career, it may not be much of a step back when it comes to payrate or seniority.

However, if you have been working towards career goals in a specific industry for years, the benefit of staying may outweigh the want to change. If this is the case and you are truly unhappy at your current position, try talking to your manager first to see if any changes can be made to better your work experience at your current job. If not, the next step is to consider employment at another company within the same field. If you are genuinely unhappy in the position, regardless of the company, then maybe taking the plunge into another career is right for you. Just be sure you have contemplated all of the possible options and outcomes first and create a game plan on how to combat each obstacle before taking the plunge. This will allow you to be more confident as you transition into a new area.

Do I need experience, certification, or degree?

Depending on the career you are wanting to move into, some if not all of your current education and experience may overlap… or it may not. You can definitely move into a new industry or career without experience, however, the road to where you want to be may take longer to travel down. This is something you will want to consider ahead of time. If you need continued education, specific experience or certifications in order to qualify, it will help you in the job search process if you are able to tackle these things while still working in your current position. Find someone that is thriving in the career you are hoping to transition to and ask them what you need to do in order to be successful. They will be able to tell you what education and experience you will need along with possibly helping you get your foot in the door.

Changing careers is not always the right plan for everyone. One thing to be sure of is that you are choosing to switch for personal benefit and not based on emotions. Consider all the pros and cons before deciding what to do. Exhaust every avenue in your current career first to see if there is a better fit. If you still feel as though a change will be the better choice, be sure to create a game plan ahead of time so you are fully prepared for the transition.