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Work Week Hustle – 3 Easy Fixes to Help Set You Apart in Your Job Search

As many job seekers know, when you are called in for an interview or apply for a job, you are likely not the only one in the running. Hiring managers schedule multiple interviews in order to find the best person for the job. So how to you set yourself apart from the group? It may be something simple! Here are 3 easy fixes to set you apart in your job search.

Professional Email Address

Before starting your job search, create a professional email address to put on your resume and applications. This will allow you to put your best foot forward. Keep in mind that your resume is your first impression. As humans, it is possible to create a judgement about someone without ever meeting them. Having an email address listed on your resume like “sweetbooty@xyz.com” or “SpOrTsFaN@xyz.com” doesn’t give off the most professional vibe. Set yourself up for success by using a simple “first.last name@xyz.com”. Having a professional email address will keep you organized, keep responses from getting lost in your junk file, and show you are serious about finding a position.

Highlight Your “IT” Factor

Determine what makes you special and find a way to highlight it. If you are really good at typing, make a point to highlight your speed and accuracy in your resume. If you are great with people, make sure you have example stories to share in your interview. Whatever your “IT” factor may be, that is what managers want to hear about. Having candidate after candidate come in for the same position, managers want to know what is different about you. Show them why you deserve the job over the other candidates that are interviewing.

Don’t Take Rejection Personally

Many candidates send out TONS of applications in their initial search. Anything that looks like it may be a good opportunity is sent an application or resume. This is a good strategy, however, the downside is that not everyone will respond, and that is okay! Hiring Managers can receive hundreds of job applications per week, which can be overwhelming for one person. Their main job is to find the right person for the position. If you don’t hear back within a reasonable amount of time, try sending an email or phone call to make sure they didn’t overlook your resume. If you do not receive a positive response, it’s best to just move on to the next opportunity.

Many candidates are falling into the same habits as everyone else, not realizing that a few small tweaks to your job search prep can make all the difference in getting the job or not. These 3 easy fixes are sure to help you stand out from the crowd when applying and interviewing for a new position.