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Work Week Hustle – 3 Easy Networking Hacks When Searching for a Job

Networking is one of the best ways to connect with people in your field. It is most beneficial to have a great professional network when you are searching for a job. It can be intimidating when you are looking for a new job or starting out in a new field. Below are 3 easy networking hacks when searching for a new job.

Personalized Business Cards

If you are searching for a job, you wan to be ready at a moments notice. What if you meet someone standing in line at the bank or picking kids up from school. Connections are everywhere and can often catch you off guard. It’s not like you can just keep your resume in your back pocket at all times. Or can you? One easy way to always be ready when searching for a job is to create your own personal business cards. It is something you can keep with you always and pass out when needed. This will give people a point of contact about perspective jobs. It also makes you look professional and put together at a seconds notice which will work in your favor when meeting hiring managers outside of an office setting.

Don’t Come Empty Handed

If you are attending a networking event with the purpose of meeting contacts that could lead to a job, then you need to come prepared. Never go to a networking event empty handed. What I mean by this is you need to come ready to take down information. Bring a notebook with a pocket so you can have business cards and resumes ready to hand out if someone asks. Also, have a pen easily accessible so you are ready to take down information when you meet new people. You want to be sure to write down names, phone numbers, and any info they give you about how you can follow up with them at a later date.

Have A Follow-Up Plan

Make sure that you follow up with anyone you meet at the events. Even if they did not offer you further information, a quick email, phone call or card saying you enjoyed meeting them and appreciate their time will go a long way. This is not something very many people take the time to do so if they receive a follow up, you will sure to make a good impression and put yourself at the forefront of their mind.

Networking can be so beneficial when searching for a new job. Creating personalized contact cards, coming prepared to networking events and following up with new contacts are such easy ways to help make you stand out in the crowd. Make a habit of doing these things at each event and you are sure to land a job in no time.