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Work Week Hustle – 3 Major Job Search Etiquette Tips

When one thinks of etiquette, they tend to think of a fancy dinner party or event. The truth is, professional etiquette could make or break you during the hiring process. There are a few unspoken rules that are very important when trying to land a job, most of which we all have learned to use in other aspects of life. Below are 3 major etiquette rules applied to the job field that will help you get hired.

The Golden Rule

One of the main rules of etiquette that tends to be overlooked in challenging situations is to be kind and approachable (i.e. professional). The job search can be a frustrating time in anyone’s life. Regardless of your credentials, searching for a job can put you in a vulnerable state. That is completely normal. However, we must remember the Golden Rule; to treat others as you want to be treated. This is very important when looking or even keeping a job. Most industries are like a small town community, everyone knows everyone. So if you lose your cool or act in an unpleasant way towards previous employers, staffing agencies, hiring managers or even the secretary at the front desk of your interview, it could keep you from getting the job. Also, be aware of your body language when speaking to hiring managers. If you are closed off or cold they may take that as an indication that you are not interested in the position. You want to be thought of and spoken about in a good way for your future career.

Listen, Listen, Listen

During an interview, it can be uncomfortable if there is silence. In order to fill the space, many candidates will try to get ahead of it by thinking of what to say next instead of taking the time to truly listen to what the hiring manager is saying or asking. This often shows itself in interruptions and rambling. Instead of worrying about what to say, look the hiring manager in the eye and take the time to listen to what is being said or asked. Then respond with your best answer after they have finished speaking. Silence does not have to be awkward, it can show that you are confident in your space and respectful of theirs.

Communicate Clearly & Often

One of the most professional things a potential candidate can do is communicate clearly and often. Write thank you notes after interviews expressing your appreciation for their time, respond in a timely manner to emails and voicemails. Let the hiring manager know that you are an active participant in the hiring process. This will keep you at the forefront of their mind when considering who to hire.

When searching for a job, it can be difficult to stand out from the pack. Having proper professional etiquette will surely help to increase your confidence and get you noticed in a good way.