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Work Week Hustle – 3 Sure Fire Ways to Beat Job Search Opposition

Finding a job you want in the field you are seeking can be a grueling process. Along with all of the research and hard work it takes to get your resume out to hiring managers, there are so many ups and downs emotionally with the waiting, rejections and unknowns. It is perfectly normal to get discouraged or overwhelmed at times, especially when things don’t seem to be working out the way you had hoped. In order to get what you want, you need to maintain a positive mindset. Below are 3 sure fire ways to help you beat job search opposition.

Step Away

If you are getting frustrated and only seeing the negative side of the job search, it’s time to take a break. Step away from the computer, from the rejection letters and the screening questions. Take a few hours to yourself to clear your mind and refocus. Take a walk, watch a show, go get coffee with a friend; do something that you genuinely enjoy and get your mind completely off searching for a job. When you are ready to return, take a deep breath and refocus your mind and intentions. Say out loud 5 positive things that you have to offer the job field. Try to think of a different way to approach your job search now that your mind and body have had a chance to recharge.

Ask for Help

Searching for a job on your own can be a daunting task. You can get easily discouraged with no support. If you feel as though you are constantly facing opposition, try reaching out to other professional sources for help. Connect with friends in your field, old co-workers or professors. Ask the network of people around you for help with referrals and advice. Maybe they can look over your resume, give interviewing advice or simply be there to support and encourage you as you move forward on your search. There is nothing more helpful than connection with others when we are having a hard time. Don’t be afraid to reach out.

Get a Side Job

Opposition when you are searching for a job in your field seems to be even more stressful when you are worrying about how to pay the bills or put food on the table. Get a side job, even if it is part-time, so that you have money coming in and are able to continue your search without the added stress of bills and food. It may not be what you want at the moment, but it will help get you through until you are able to get a job you truly want and deserve. Working outside of your field may also give you the opportunity to pick up a few new skills to add to your professional tool belt and increase your chances of landing the job you want. For example, if you take a side job in sales, you may learn a few new ways to engage and communicate with people that will help you in your interviews and further in the career you are pursuing.

Facing opposition while searching for a job can create added stress and anxiety to an already difficult process. You want to stay on the grind, but also give yourself some grace. Getting the job you want isn’t a race. When you’re feeling overwhelmed take a break, ask for help and consider a side job if you need the extra income. This will help to decrease your stress levels and increase your positive mindset.