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Work Week Hustle – 3 Top Interview Prep Tips

Tip of the week for candidates: Practice answering interview questions prior to interview.

When preparing for an interview, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Aside from bringing a copy of your resume, what else do you need to do? Regardless of the position for which you are applying, there are some easy things you can do to prepare so you can walk in confident and ready. Here are 3 top interview prep tips to increase success.

Research And Get Social

Once your interview is scheduled, take some time to research the company. Learn the mission statement, history and owners/managers. Learn what motivates them and how your skill set will create value. Also, look into their social media pages. This will give you an idea of the overall tone and personality of the company. Are they posting funny memes? Are employees bantering back and forth with each other? Feel free to throw a few jokes in or maybe mention something funny that was posted. Are they posting or circling around a specific event? Like the posts and use them as a conversation starter. A little research about the company along with utilizing social media pages as a resource will help charge you with information and show your interviewer that you are truly interested and invested in the company.

Read Reviews

Check out online reviews from multiple sources (Google, Glassdoor, etc.) to see what current and former employees say about the company. Remember to use this source as a guide, not fact. A lot of reviews come from disgruntled employees or customers and it doesn’t give the whole picture. Make sure you take into consideration both the positive and negative reviews. If anything pops out as concerning, this may give you some questions to ask about that you wouldn’t know to ask otherwise.

Practice Makes Perfect

Once you have done your research and built a framework for the overall feel of the company, practice your interview style with a friend or family member. Think of questions you find hard to answer and create a response you will be happy with if asked by the interviewer. For example: What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness? (remember they can be the same thing). Practicing hard questions prior to your interview will give you the opportunity to create examples and stories so you can confidently showcase your skills. Preparing these ahead of time will allow you to be more confident in the moment.

The most important thing about interview prep is that it allows you to walk in and be yourself. Nerves aside, these 3 tips will allow you to take on any interview confidently because you know you are prepared and ready.