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Work Week Hustle – 3 Ways to Create Team Momentum for the New Year

The new year brings a new start for us; sets a reset button and allows everyone to refocus. As a manager, this is a great time to refocus your team and start off the new year on the right track. Remember as we go into this New Year, your employees are looking to you to set the tone. If you start off the year sluggish and with low expectations, so will everyone else. It is up to you to set the bar high and start off 2021 with a bang! Below are 3 ways to create team momentum for the new year.

Eyes on the Prize

In order to create momentum for your team, you need to be prepared. The best way to do this is to put in a little extra work over the break and create a game plan for your first day back in the office. Start off with a team meeting setting new quarterly goals along with rewards for those that achieve them. Keep their eyes on the prize by making a chart with pictures and names tracking progress so each individual on your team can visualize their work and reward.

Set Expectations High

Create realistic and achievable goals for your team both individually and as a unit. Allow them to show you what they are made of by setting expectations high and watching them rise to the occasion. Your team will only shoot as high as you aim, so make sure you aim high right out of the gate. Also, remind your team that they have time. These goals are to allow your team to grow, not build stress. Not every goal needs to be achieved in the first month. Set a pace for them to follow so they don’t end up feeling overwhelmed.


Keep everyone on your team accountable for taking the steps they need to take in order to reach their goals. This includes YOU! Be sure to let your team know what your goals are and how you plan to achieve them. Keep yourself accountable along with your team so they can truly feel like you are all in this together.

Creating quarterly and yearly goals are great, but without a game plan to achieving them it’s pointless. Start your year off by establishing goals, providing accountability and offering rewards. In doing this, your team is more likely to remain focused and maintain the momentum you create at the beginning of the year rather than burning out early.