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Work Week Hustle – 3 Ways to Kick Start Productivity in the New Year

As we move into the new year, it is a time to restart. Your team works hard and they do a great job, but there is always room for improvement. The new year brings a renewed mindset for all so as a hiring manager it would be beneficial to capitalize on that idea. Here are 3 ways to kick start productivity for your team in the new year.

Goal Setting

Along with your own personal goals, as we enter into this new year it would be a good time to assess your team. Look for areas that need to be improved, whether it be attitudes, systems, checklist follow-through, etc. there are ways that each employee and department can excel. Creating goals for each employee or department that align with your overall company guidelines will help create focus and drive moving forward. Having employees take time to create their own personal goals within their position is also a helpful way to renew purpose.

Set Them Up For Success

After creating goals, as a leader, you want to make sure your team is set up for success. One way to do this is by defining a “road map” of realistic steps or tasks to be accomplished in order for your employees to obtain their goals. This will not only keep them focused, but allow for measurement and accountability. At the end of each quarter, you can hold a team meeting to address the team goals and where each team member is in their process. What tasks they have accomplished, what they are having trouble with, etc. This will allow you as a manager to access your team members and adjust their goals and tasks if needed. It also renews the focus of your team on the overall goal long after the “new year feelings” dissipate.

Offer Incentives

The best way to keep your team continually working toward better productivity is by offering incentives. Having an overall team incentive will keep team members accountable to their perspective co-workers and gives a sense of team work among the group because they are all working towards the same prize. Managers may also consider adding individual incentives for employees to encourage them to complete difficult tasks or assignments. Those that go above and beyond for their team may also be recognized, allowing others to see that hard work pays off in great ways. Incentives do not always have to be extravagant. A simple gift card for a coffee or flowers on their desk is enough to show your gratitude and highlight their success. Employees appreciate being recognized for their work and will respond with higher levels of productivity if they feel respected.