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Work Week Hustle – 5 Out of the Box Tips on How to Obtain Your Dream Job

Anyone can obtain a job if they truly need one. It may not be your dream job, but you follow the basic rules (apply, resume, interview) and you are likely to get a job to pay the bills. If you are aspiring for something more fulfilling, it may take a bit more work than just going through the motions. There is some serious planning and maybe even some life changes that need to be set in place in order to reach your ultimate career goals. Here are 5 out of the box tips on how to obtain your dream job.

Become a Fan

If there is a company you would love to work for, show them your devotion before every applying for a job. Follow their pages on social media, like their pictures and events. Make comments supporting what they do. Let yourself be known as a fan of the company. There is nothing more attractive in a hiring manager than brand loyalty. This will also help you make conversation in the interview. Bring up special events they have posted about, initiatives they are apart of, etc. Your active interest will show your overall knowledge not just in the company, but specifically what they are doing right now.

Go Straight to the Decision Maker

When you are ready to apply for the job, there is a process that everyone is expected to follow. You fill out your application either in person or online and wait to be called. I will not recommend dismissing this process all together, as they have it in place for a reason. However, you can add steps to the process that will help get you noticed and possibly get you moved to the top of the consideration stack. After filling out your application and following the companies process on how to submit it, call and find out who the company has designated as the decision maker. Whether it is the HR Manager, department manager, etc. there is someone over the hiring process. Ask to talk to that person directly. Tell them you submitted your application and would like to know anything specific they are looking for or advice they may have for acquiring the job. Give them your name and let them know how interested you are to be apart of their team. Don’t just wait for them to come to you, create the opportunity to get in front of the decision maker first. At the very least get you on their radar.

Offer Solutions

While actively following the company online and doing research to learn more about them as a whole, one thing you should be looking for is any challenges they are facing. Whether they discuss something publicly or you happen to notice something that could be perfected, be sure to write it down along with a solid solution. E-mail the decision maker or whatever contact you are able to obtain with the challenges you have noticed and the solution you have found. Do this without any expectation of something in return. Your tenacity and strong interest in the overall wellbeing of the company will no doubt get you noticed.  

Listen, Listen, Listen

One of the things that is constantly coached into candidates is to practice the answers to common interview questions. While this is important, one major thing that is often overlooked is to practice listening. Going into an interview fully charged with answers ready and no listening skills will likely turn off a hiring manager. Many candidates are so eager to let the hiring manager know what they can do that they often forget to listen or let the manager finish before beginning to answer. The last thing you want to do is steamroll your interviewer. An interview is a strategic conversation. Make sure you are taking the time to fully listen to what is being said and give pause before answering questions. Even if you have the answer ready, you want to be respectful and show you are listening to what is being said, not just waiting for your opportunity to answer.  

Build Strategic Relationships

While it is important to build professional relationships with higher-up people in the company like managers and directors, it is equally as important to create strategic relationships with others across the board. Get to know the administrative assistants and other personnel at all levels. These co-workers and employees are the backbone to the company and often a very underutilized and underappreciated resource. Administrative assistants are highly trusted by managers to keep schedules and daily operations running. It will be to your benefit to create relationships not only with the people on top, but also the ones that help maintain their status.

Like anything in life, obtaining your dream job takes some hard work and devotion. If you are willing to keep focused, think outside of the box and put in the work you are sure to reach your ultimate goals.