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Work Week Hustle – 5 Professional Networking Tips to Help Build New Client Base

Networking events can be overwhelming when you are searching for new clients. Everyone is there for the same purpose and a first impression is very important in order to secure a relationship outside of the event. Is there a way to make it easier? Below are 5 Professional Networking Tips to Help Build a New Client Base.

Find Field Related Networking Events

It is great to get out and have a good time with fellow professionals, but if there is nobody at your networking event that you can do business with then it’s not really beneficial. Make sure that the networking events you choose to go to are related to your field of business. A good way to find out what is going on within your industry is to join associations and groups within your field. Often these groups will have luncheons, meet and greets, conferences, etc. that will give you the opportunity to meet new perspective clients. It also makes meeting these people a little easier as you are both there for the same reason.

Utilize Social Media Platforms

Social media is a great (and free) way to connect with prospective clients both directly and indirectly. You can find out about networking events others are attending while also promoting your own events should you choose to have one. Connect with other businesses and professionals by creating your own business page. Promote networking events and invite your social media contacts directly. A social media business page is a great way to connect directly with prospective clients without the need of an initial introduction. Just having similar professional interests can create the connection you need to get your foot in the door.

Make A Plan

If you are attending a networking event, it is important to go in with a plan. Have an idea of what you are going to say, how you are going to approach prospective clients and make sure you have your business cards. Going into a networking event with the intention of getting new clients can be an intimidating process. The more prepared you feel, the more confident you will be when approaching new people. Come up with some ice breaker topics that you can lead with instead of going straight for the elevator pitch. Keep in mind that this is a social event, so be sure that you are connecting on more of a level than just sales. Get to know the people around you and wait for your opportunity to bring up business.

Don’t Come On Too Strong

Remember that networking events are for the purpose of meeting and connecting with new perspective business contacts, not necessarily for closing deals on the spot. Be aware of how persistent you are coming across. A good way to approach new prospective clients is to make yourself known, pass out business cards and ask for a follow up opportunity but do not bombard your new prospects. This can make you come off as too aggressive and give the opposite effect of what you’re trying to achieve.

Always Follow-Up

Regardless of how your interaction was at the event, if you say you are going to follow up then ALWAYS be sure to keep that promise. Even if you do not think it will be very beneficial at the moment, following up shows you are trustworthy. In most industries, everyone tends to know everyone. This means that even if one person you connected with is not a good fit for your service or product, that doesn’t mean that they don’t know someone that is. Networking is all about connections. Build those connections by doing what you say you will do. If you connect with someone at an event, Always, Always Follow-up!

Networking is a great way to connect with other professionals within your field. It’s also an amazing way to meet new perspective clients. If you utilize social media to connect, create a plan ahead of time, keep your conversation casual and create room for a follow up opportunity then your networking events should run smoothly. You may not leave with new clients at each event, but creating opportunities in the future is a great start to building new business.