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Uncover the Best Talent: Top 5 Interview Questions for Candidates

Uncover the Best Talent: Top 5 Interview Questions for Candidates

When preparing for an interview, we tell our candidates that there is no such thing as being over prepared. This can also apply to the interviewer. Having a list of solid interview questions that will best determine the character, personality, work ethic and overall fit of a candidate will help make the interview worth while. Uncover the best talent with this list of 5 top interview questions for candidates.

1. What skills would you say makes you the most qualified for this position?

This is an important question to ask because it allows the candidate to open up about what they feel they truly excel at as an employee. This is also a good opportunity for you to confirm that the candidate fully understands what the job description entails. Additionally, it determines if the candidate believes they have the skill set to fulfill the requirements of the position. For example, if the candidate boasts about a skill set that is not needed in the position, that’s an indication that they do not fully understand what you are needing from them in order to properly fulfill the duties of the job.

2. What is it about this company and position that makes you excited to work here?

 When you are interviewing a potential candidate, ask questions that will reveal how much they know about your facility, type of practice and providers. How they answer this question will show you how much they prepared ahead of time for the interview. If they have taken the time to research, they will take the time to be detailed in the position.

3. How would you describe your working style and ideal work environment?

This question will give the candidate an opportunity to open up and express how they best thrive within a working environment. Knowing the overall culture of your office and team, this is a good question to determine if the candidate will be a good fit overall within your already established work environment.

4. Why did you leave your last employer?

This question is less about why they left, and more about how they explain it. Regardless of if the situation was a good or bad, if a candidate speaks negatively about past employers or co-workers, there is a good chance they will carry that negative attitude and energy into their new place of employment. Definitely something you want to have the opportunity to consider before offering the candidate a position.

5. Do you have any questions for me?

This allows the candidate to express any issues they may see with taking this position, which will prepare you when making your decision. It will also allow you as the hiring manager to see how prepared the candidate was when researching the position of which they are interviewing. If the candidate has no questions or seems scrambled trying to think of one, it may show that they haven’t thought enough about the position ahead of time, which may reflect in how they prepare in their work environment.

When preparing to interview potential candidates, these 5 questions will be sure to help you properly evaluate each candidate to see if they are a good overall fit for your team. Check out our Career Advice page for additional information on this topic and others. Feel free to contact us directly with interview or employment questions.