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Work Week Hustle – 5 Unique Ways to Incentivize Employees

As people start to reenter the work force, they are looking for more than just a paycheck. Yes, a paycheck is definitely motivation for showing up and doing the work but these days employees are lookin for more than just money as an incentive to reach and exceed their goals. In order to get your team to perform at their highest capacity, try adding some unique and fun ways to motivate your employees. Below are 5 unique ways to incentivize employees:

Employee Shopping Spree

Set a sales goal for your team with the incentive of a shopping spree if they reach or exceed it. The entire theme should be designed around your goal. For example, if your sales goal is $20,000 then if the goal is reached, each employee will get $200 to spend in $20 minutes. Take them to a mall or shopping center, the rules are that they must spend the money on themselves only and be back before the timer goes off. This is a really fun way to reward your team for a job well done.

Lunch with the Boss

Do employee evaluations or one on one meetings at a special lunch place away from work. Try to spend some time learning more about your employee and save the work conversation for after your meal. One thing I like to do to break the ice is make our first topic of discuss what dessert we will order at the end of the meal. This is a good way to help your employee relax and have some fun.

Company Swag Day

Instead of a standard “jeans Friday”, switch it up a bit and surprise your team with a Company Swag Day. Hand out shirts, hats, coffee mugs, silly glasses, etc. Set a competition and give out an award at the end of the day for the employee with the most company swag. Each week the award will be passed to the winning employee. Make the day not only comfortable, but fun.

Time Off Tokens

Set team and individual goals for your employees and allow them to earn time off tokens to be used aside from PTO time whenever they need. These tokens can range from 10 minutes to an hour. If they need an extended lunch break or to come in late/leave early, this is a way to help them manage their time and offer incentive to perform in order to earn their time tokens.

Off Site Meetings

Schedule your quarterly meetings somewhere outside the office. Holding your meeting in a cute coffee shop, trendy breakfast place or ice cream parlor will be a special treat to your team and give them something to look forward to instead of dread.

Whatever it is that you choose to do, the point is to think outside the box. Get to know your employees and find out what they like, then find ways to incorporate their likes and interests into performance incentives. This will show your team that you genuinely care about them as people and want to see them succeed.