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Work Week Hustle – Adapting Your Interview Style During COVID-19

Due to the rapid ups and downs of Covid-19, guidelines and protocols are continuing to shift. What was considered acceptable safety precautions one week, may be completely different the next. Each company is doing their best to adapt so they can properly keep their staff and customers safe. However, no one company is the same. As a candidate preparing for face-to-face interviews, in order to be successful it is important to learn the guidelines and protocols of each company and continue to adapt as the changes come. Below are a few ways you can adapt your interview style during Covid-19.

Ask Questions Regarding Safety

We all have our preferences on whether or not we deem it necessary to wear a mask in public. However, when interviewing for a job, your preference does not matter. Not every area is mandating masks, but each company will definitely have their own safety guidelines put in place. When going in for an interview, never assume the company’s policies on masks or safety; always ask so you are fully prepared. Compliance and consideration go a long way when trying to make a good first impression.

Come Prepared

Even if you are told that you are not required to wear a mask, be sure to bring one just in case. Information is changing so rapidly these days, it can be hard to keep up. If you are asking a few days out from your interview, there is a chance that circumstances may change by the time you arrive. Having a mask in your bag will allow you to be prepared for anything. The last thing you want to worry about is being turned away or having to reschedule due to safety changes.

Expand Communication Skills

One concern some candidates have expressed is that a mask takes away from facial expressions during the interview. If you are worried about your first interaction with a manger, a few ways you can combat the lace of expression is by using your hands when you talk. Your hands can be very expressive and help your personality come across. Pro-tip: If you are not naturally one that talks with their hands, try practicing at home first. If you feel uncomfortable, it’s better to skip it. Don’t add the stress of having to focus on what your hands are doing while answering questions.

You may experience a few road blocks when going on interviews in this new environment. There is no one right way to handle things. The most important thing is to remain open to the change. Many candidates are finding it difficult to find work right now, the last thing you want is to start of with a bad impression or lose the job due to something like not following safety protocol. Ask questions, learn to adapt to each company’s rules and style. This will help you move forward successfully in the interview process.